The windows phone 7 interface |
The greatest invention man had done on the land is the Mobile phone. It is the invention that the people had grabbed the most. Nowadays the mobile phone has become a part of a human body, the people who use smart phones are very happy more than people who use other phones. The features such as Camera, store photos and video, listen to music, watch television and listen to radio have become popular among the people. Now let's discuss about the topic, when I ask you some questions such as What is a Smart Phone? The answer for the question is besides the entertainment stuffs that I have mentioned above , thousands of stuffs that can be done by computers were imputation to phones so they are called Smart Phones. As we talk about the most popular IPhone it is a kind of a Smart Phone and it holds 17% of the market Google Android holds 25% and Symbian holds 37% Microsoft company had introduced a new phone to the smart phone market that is the WINDOWS PHONE 7, actually this phones has gone beyond the other Windows phones and it is a totally different Phone and a totally different phone. The interface of the phones is based on SilverLight. SilverLight is an application framework for writing and running browser plug-ins or other applications. This technology is fully used in the phone. Not only that they have finished manufacturing 4000 softwares for this, in the task of popularizing these softwares throughout the world the (.net) utility used to make softwares for windows phone 7. Microsoft company had taken steps to give them free. The use of this phone is very simple. The utilities of the phone are arranged according to the way bricks are kept so we can access to the softwares fast, access to networks and connect to the Internet. When 1.5 billion phones were released to the world market, all the phones were sold in 6 weeks.
Whooo That's quiet nice to hear Smart Phone OS from Microsoft. Gonna research about this new OS... But still my favourite is IOS